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A Key To Victorious Living -min

God’s Word—The Seed Of Divine Life

Faith -Connection

The power that works in you.

Be influential for the gospel

Our goal is to reach every tribe and tongue where there is an established need in the language they understand and to facilitate the missionary work of the Gospel in regions without the limitation or barrier of language. Sponsor a Language Translations

Over 7.7 billion people in the world today, take a stand and be God’s outstretched arm to impact souls through the global outreach campaign. Join us and save lives by sponsoring for hope, love, and salvation. SPONSOR the Global outreach campaign!



Christ Embassy is not just a local assembly; it’s a vision. The Lord has called us to fulfill a very definite purpose, which is to take His divine presence to the peoples and nations of the world, and to demonstrate the character of His Spirit everywhere

When you worship with us, you learn more than just the letters of the Word; you’re imparted with and impacted by the Spirit of the Word. As we share God’s Word, it takes root in you, and you become exactly what the Lord wants you to be. The Holy Spirit gets a hold of your life, and His vision becomes real to you and in your life.

What’s more, the Lord’s influence in your life overflows to others as they watch the Word of God manifested in your life every day.

Christ Embassy is a wonderful family of God’s loving people; we’re large enough to accommodate you, yet small enough to know you and minister to your most personal needs. In Christ Embassy, we give lives a meaning, and we build a happier world with the love of Christ that has so lavishly been bestowed on us.

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