“If you are born again, you are a partaker of the divine nature,” Pastor Chris teaches on ‘Your LoveWorld Specials’.
Pulsating moments continue to unfold in the ongoing iconic 7-day ‘Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris’ (Season 3, Phase 1). Ministering prolifically in the opening session of the 5th day of this epic series, the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome dished out dazzling truths from God’s Word, heralding the actual essence of eternal life.
With rapt attention, all ears were fastened to Pastor Chris who explained that without recognizing the reality of eternal life, a Christian would not be able to live it. He posited that eternal life — the life and nature of God — is what every Christian received upon accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts. Expatiating further, LoveWorld President remarked that a Christian does not have two lives but one. Once you are born again, you receive eternal life which completely supplants the human life with which you were born of your earthly parents, he clarified. Posing an identical biblical parallel, the man of God illustrated that, although Jesus Christ had a human body with which he expressed himself in the earth, he was absolutely divine. Likewise, every Christian today, has received the life and nature of God while in their earthly human bodies, he established. “If you are born again, you are a partaker of the divine nature,” Pastor Chris emphasized, urging the global audience to awaken to this truth and walk in the reality of it.
Enraptured by the depth of insight propounded by the man of God, the global audience grew tremendously in faith and grace being rightly positioned to actualize the reality of eternal life in their lives.
I hope it shall be a sinknnal concering what is going here?