One encounter with God’s Word and power at work in the Healing School is all that is required to translate an individual from the darkness of sickness, depression and despondency into the light of supernatural strength, divine health and overflowing joy. This is the testimony of every ambassador who has come to the Healing School; not only were they saved and delivered; they also received the impartation and ability to help and save others.

This aptly mirrors the experience of 34-year-old Ruth Nyasha Chakawa from Zimbabwe, who suffered from severe anaemia for 19 years. Her story changed when she visited the Healing School in March 2018 and was miraculously healed.

Having been healed and perfectly restored by the power of God, Ruth is now an extension of God’s divine healing presence to many in her country, impacting them with God’s Word and inspiring them with her testimony. She organizes outreach initiatives to teenagers and youth in secondary schools, where she not only mentors them academically but also transforms their minds and spirits with God’s Word. Many of these youth have received Christ and are born again. Halleluyah!
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