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Pray-A-Thon 2024 – Mon Dec 2
It’s Reach Out World Day! Glory to God! We’re spreading God’s Word through Rhapsody of Realities all around the world today, and throughout the month of December, for ‘…this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come’ (Mathew 24:14). Make sure you’re a part of it, and post pictures/videos of your activities on kingschat. Visit http://rhapsodyofrealities.org, and watch out for highlights of our work on Rhapsody TV and the Loveworld Networks.
Our Global Communion Service, which held yesterday, and also concluded the Global Day of Prayer was glorious. This December is our month of thanksgiving, and we’ll be praising and thanking the Lord throughout this month for His grace, love, and abundant blessings in our lives. As we shared yesterday, there’s no thanksgiving without an offering, so remember to set aside your thanks offerings.
At our times of prayer today – 12noon and 10:pm (GMT/Local), we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit, thanking the Lord for the unprecedented spread of the gospel and souls being won around the world. God bless you.
Thank God he has bless my life with another birth day celebration on Saturday November 30th ,2024.Alleluia To the God the creator of the Universe .Thanking all prayer team of believers in Christ for the goodness of God’s wonderful love. I’m blessed and highly favored. Unemployed homeless yet blessed to be the daughter of Zion. Thank you God for everything God be exalted, exotaled and glorified forever Amen. Tannoh , Constance Yiddish ATAAH FOSUAAH Nana Yaa.Amen to all who believes in the soveighty of the Great I A M.