Pray-A-Thon 2025 – Fri Mar 21
God wants you gloriously strengthened and constantly invigorated with miracle working ability by the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. Learn more in this Friday’s Rhapsody.
Remember to join the Festival of Miracles program on https://healingstreams.tv today.
Habakkuk 2:14 says, ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,as the waters cover the sea’.
At our times of prayer, we’ll pray fervently in tongues of the Spirit, declaring in prayer that the earth is being filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Throughout the day, the Spirit will bring these words to your heart; be sure to declare them continually, for God’s Word in your mouth is God talking. Amen.
The Abuja Upward & Forward Crusade begins today at the National Stadium Abuja. Pray also for it. God bless you.