Pray-A-Thon 2023 – Wed Feb 1
It’s a new month with Rhapsody of Realities, and we’re encouraged in today’s article to meditate on Colossians 1:27. Make sure to study the full article. Download the new February edition for adults, teens, and kids from the store on your Rhapsody app, and avail yourself of the opportunity to grow in God’s Word. Also, visit http://rhapsodyofrealities.org for information on how to share and sponsor copies of Rhapsody of Realities for distribution around the world.
Isaiah 9:7 says, ‘Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
At our times of prayer today, we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit, proclaiming the increase of peace in our nations and around the world.
Our first Global Praise and Communion Service in this year of the Prolific Church comes up this Sunday, Feb 5th, from 3 pm GMT+1. It’s also a day of fasting and praying, being the first Sunday of the Month. God bless you