Pray-A-Thon 2023 – Mon Mar 20
Our 3-day Healing Streams Live Healing Services concluded yesterday, and it was absolutely phenomenal. The glory of God covered the nations, resulting in an avalanche of healing miracles, with many getting saved too. We’re most thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness and loving kindness; we’re blessed to see His power manifested in this extraordinary manner in our day. Special thanks again to those who labored for the program by inviting others, and setting up physical and virtual healing centers for many to participate in the 3-day event; the Lord bless and reward you richly. You can relive moments of the program on the ceflix app, where you’ll find videos of all 3 days. And please continue to share your testimonies with others, and us by sending an email to [email protected] or via direct upload to http://healingstreams.tv/testimonies
At our times of prayer today, we’ll pray earnestly in tongues of the Spirit; thanking the Lord profusely for the success of the Healing Streams program, and its eternal impact in our world. God bless you.