Below are Books by Renowned Man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSC. DD. Over the years.
Gates of Zion
In this prophetic book, Pastor Chris takes you through the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as symbolic of God’s pattern for building His Church. Not only will you experience the glory of God as you read, but more importantly, but you will also reflect His glory in your life.
Your Rights in Christ
By virtue of the redemptive work of Christ, you have been declared free and at liberty to choose the way to live. This freedom in Christ comes with legal rights that empower you to dictate the course of your life. Join Pastor Chris in “Your Rights In Christ” as he shows you what these rights are, their significance, their benefits, and how to appropriate them to yourself. This revised edition has been designed to make its vital truths more practical in your daily Christian walk.
None of These Diseases
God wants His people well. He desires that you prosper spirit, soul, and body! No matter the situation you are facing, there is a message in this book for you. If you are sick and bed-ridden, if medical science has given up on you, the divine truths contained in this book will cause faith to be stirred up in your spirit and cause you to rise, take up your bed and walk!
How To Make Your Faith Work
That’s the missing ingredient from the message of faith, which is needed now in the body of Christ. This book is an outstanding revelational masterpiece that teaches you not just how to acquire faith, but how to put your faith to work so you can live the life of victory, success, joy, health and prosperity which God has ordained for you. You’ll learn about: The faith attitude in prayer, The four different levels of the God-kind of faith What to do for your faith to become great The reason and the cure for weak faith How to build prevailing faith. Don’t get stuck in the rut! Learn how to make your faith work!
The Oil And The Mantle
In the new edition of this important book are revealed mysteries of material mediums. In his usual dynamic and easy-to-be-understood manner, Chris Oyakhilome exposes the myths about the use of material mediums to perform miracles and reveals clearly the mind of God on the subject. “The Oil and The Mantle,” an explicit treatise on these controversial issues, will cause you to be established in the truth.
In this timely classic, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome reveals how to take advantage of the powerful gift of prophecy to order the course of your life, and create the future you ought to have. Get ready to discover: • What Prophecy really is
• The two-fold application of prophecy
• The difference between the prophetic ministry and the gift of prophecy
• The link between prophecy and tongues
• How to change circumstances through prophecy and so much more! Learn to speak forth ‘rhema’—God’s specific Word to you, at a specific time, for a specific purpose—and control your destiny by the power of God made available to you through prophecy!
Now That You Are Born Again
“Now that you’re born again, WHAT NEXT?” That’s the big question, and this book gives clear and simple answers. In it, best-selling author and teacher, Chris Oyakhilome, reveals vital truths fundamental to the Christian faith, truths upon which you can build a strong and vibrant life in Christ. “Now That You Are Born Again” unveils insightful revelations that will point the new Christian in the right direction and nurture him in his new life in Christ.
When God Visits You
Does God visit?
When does He visit?
How do I prepare for His visitation?
What are the benefits of such visits? In this dynamic volume, Pastor Chris shares from the lives of Bible characters on how you can position yourself for a visitation from God and experience that change you’ve so long desired.
The Power Of Your Mind
In this remarkable treatise, one of God’s foremost apostles and prophets of our generation, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome shares with the Church, timeless truths gleaned from decades of applying his own mind to reach greater heights of accomplishment through God’s Word. Indeed, this amazing book couldn’t have been released to the Body of Christ and to the whole world at a better time. Expounding on critical points such as
- The Concept of Mind-Management
- The Power of Thoughts
- Attitude—Your Mental Disposition
- Meditation—Your Moments of Creation, etc., Pastor Chris elevates your understanding of the power of your mind and helps you see it as a God-given instrument for your transformation.
- This book is just as apt for the young as it is for the old, because not only will it re-shape the structure of its reader’s thinking, it’ll also open him up to realms of endless possibilities and help him become the excellent personality God planned for him to be.
The Seven Spirit of God
In the riveting classic on the Holy Spirit, Chris Oyakhilome unveils to you new depths of His power and operation in the life of the believer. This book teaches you;
- What
- Who
- Why
- How
Rhapsody Of Realities Topical Compendium
The Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Volume 5 is the newest installment in the series of compilations of choice articles by Rev. Chris Oyakhilome. What’s more, the articles in this volume have been organized under exciting chapters such as: The Acts of God, The Efficacy of God’s Word, The Lordship of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and You, The Mindset of the Just, The Ministry of Reconciliation, The Glory – Life, The Authority of Believers, Divine Benefits.
Seven Things The Holy Spirit Will Do For You
Enter a whole new world of discovery of the person of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the blessings He brings into your life in this revised edition of the classic “Seven Things the Holy Spirit Will Do For You.”Learn how to take advantage of His awesome presence, ministry and fellowship and live the supernatural life every day!
How To Pray Effectively
God’s earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don’t know how to pray effectively? With a refreshing blend of sound scriptural exposition and practical anecdotes, best-selling author Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, in this insightful classic shares with you vital principles of effective prayer. This first volume will establish for you a clear understanding of the rules of different prayers for different situations and how to apply them for your desired outcome.
The Power of Tongues
This book teaches the “What,” “How” and “Why” of speaking in other tongues, and reveals the immense benefits it holds for the New Testament believer in Jesus Christ. It explains the essence and importance of;
- Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy
- The difference between Praying in Your Understanding and Praying in Tongues
- How to build up your faith through speaking in tongues
- How to enjoy intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit And You
Discover in “The Holy Spirit and You” the key to the successful life you’ve always desired. Get to know the One who answers to the Name of Jesus. Learn to walk with Him, and let Him lead you into your inheritance and your destiny in God. THEN YOU AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN MAKE AN UNBEATABLE TEAM THAT WILL IMPACT YOUR WORLD!