We praise the Lord for our glorious fellowship with the Spirit and with one another at the April Global Communion Service, which held yesterday. It’s our Month of Truth, and we will walk in the truth of the gospel; Hallelujah! Truth protects, delivers, and saves. His truth dwells in us, and shall be with us forever. Spread His truth everywhere. See highlights of the service at http://loveworldnews.com and http://helloloveworld.tv. ’Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth’ John 17:17 ’His truth shall be thy shield and buckler’ Psalm 91:4 In our times of prayer this week, at 12noon and 10pm local, we’ll pray mostly in tongues of the Spirit, and against deception and manipulation of the nations and their leaders by the antichrist spirits of darkness. You can join ongoing prayers daily by using the ’Pastor Chris Live’ link on your kc timelime or at http://pastorchrislive.org At 10pm Local/GMT, we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit. God bless you.