We’re admonished to follow and trust God’s Word in this Friday’s Rhapsody. Study the article and share with others.
The ‘Reach Out World’ Global Launch begins today, Friday, February 25th to Sunday, February 27th. It’s going to be phenomenal; get others to participate with you, beginning 6pm GMT+1, on our Loveworld Networks and Rhapsody of Realities Platforms.
Jude 1:20 says, ‘But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit’. At our times of prayer today, we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit for most of 15min.
Also pray about the Reach Out World Program beginning today, and the spread of the Word through Rhapsody of Realities around the world. God bless you.