You can have God’s guidance and direction every single day. Learn more in this Friday’s Rhapsody. Get the January edition from the store on your Rhapsody app. James 5:16-17 says, ”…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months”. Our Global ’Pray-A-Thon’ is approaching the conclusion of its 1st week and what a joy its been.
For 15min at 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT), and throughout the day in our various groups, we’ll intercede fervently in tongues of the Spirit; praying also for the church and body of Christ around the world, for its growth, unhindered advancement, and fulfillment of the Father’s perfect will. Remember to join at least, one additional 15min prayer segment during the day, via the Pastor Chris Super User Live Stream at the top of your kingschat timeline, or at http://bit.ly/prayathonlivetv . God bless you #pclprayathon2020 #prayathon2020 #Iamapriestinoffice