Do What Jesus Said To Do—cast Out Devils
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).
Many of the challenges that some people are faced with in life are caused by demons, especially the ones the Bible describes as the rulers of the darkness of this world. They’re largely responsible for the anger, frustration, and depression that people experience in their lives. Most don’t know it, but anger, especially uncontrolled anger, often leads to regrettable extremities. In many cases, a demon is behind uncontrollable anger.
It’s clear from our opening verse: flesh and blood, that is, fellow humans aren’t your problem. Any horrible experience or action against you by someone is often the result of whatever evil spirit or force influencing that person or the situation. So, the real culprit is the devil. What you’re supposed to do is to cast the devil out, and you can do that even without confronting the person. Demons will hear and obey you even from afar as distance isn’t a factor in the exercise of spiritual authority.
As a Christian, don’t be casual with, or ignorant of demonic activities. Stay in God’s Word and be quick to exercise your dominion in Christ. If you’re a parent for example, it matters where your children go to school or even the hospitals they visit. Take authority over such places and be spiritually perceptive.
Sometimes, you even find pastors and ministers of the Gospel who are having challenges with demonic forces in their ministry. They gather people, and suddenly, demons stir up some trouble, and the church is left in disarray; then they start all over again. Things like these happen to people, causing them frustration because they haven’t understood, and therefore, aren’t doing what Jesus told us to do, which is to cast out devils.
Notice that it’s the first thing Jesus said we would do in His Name, letting us know the importance. So, once you notice Satan’s activities in anything concerning you, knowing that oftentimes he acts incognito, cast him out. Don’t pray against people; deal with the spirit behind it and you’ll see remarkable changes.
I’ve been given the authority and ability to cast out devils in the Name of Jesus and I exercise that dominion even now and frustrate the influence and manipulations of Satan in my environment. Satan has no place in my body, home, work, finances, and my loved ones, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Luke 10:18-19; Mark 1:21-27 GNB; Mark 16:17
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 3:1-38; Deuteronomy 16-17
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 1:13-23; Psalm 87-88