You Can Free Yourself
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you (John 15:3).
There’s a strong connection between bad habits and demonic influence; and frankly, they flow into each other. The human person is a spirit, and so, if he has a habit, it’s a spiritual habit. Habits are formed from repetition of actions. There’re good habits and there’re bad habits. If you practise good actions, they result in good habits; if you practise bad actions, they result in bad habits.
Satan often takes the opportunity of bad habits to manipulate people. However, he can’t force his will upon anyone ordinarily; rather, it’s about man yielding himself to the devil or refusing to do so. If he yields himself to the devil, then the devil takes advantage of him. Most people yield themselves without realizing they’re doing it. Hence, walking in the spirit and the knowledge of the Word is vital to a victorious Christian life.
In our opening scripture, Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” This means the Word of God is a cleanser; it purifies you. If you take the Word of God and meditate on it, it’ll rid you of anything that’s unwholesome or unclean. It’ll eradicate the darkness from your life.
Once, I was ministering to a lady, and rebuking the devil from her, and there was a young man standing behind me among those who were watching. When I was done, he got my attention and said, “Pastor, I used to have the same problem that you just dealt with in that lady. I had those same evil spirits in me.” I said, “So what happened?” He said, “Through meditation on God’s Word, they all left me.” That’s the power of God’s Word!
You don’t need to have deliverance services to cast out devils from Christians; teach them the Word. The Christian is superior to Satan; he’s seated with Christ, far above principality and power. So, if you’ve been under some demonic attacks or influence, if you’d consciously meditate on God’s Word, you’ll free yourself. You can say, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, I break the influence of Satan and evil spirits over my life and my actions and refuse to yield to their sway henceforth!”
I walk in perfection and excellence, producing works and fruits of righteousness because I live in the Word. The Word of God has the ascendancy in my life and purifies me through and through—spirit, soul, and body. I’m sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, who causes me to walk in God’s perfect will and in the glory of God. Amen.
John 8:32; Galatians 5:1 RSV; Psalm 119:9 AMPC
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 9:37-62; Joshua 16-19
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 6:12-23; Psalm 106