Hardly is any other thing in the world available in 1,000 languages like Rhapsody of Realities. Rhapsody of Realities is currently available in 1,004 languages and still counting, making it the most translated book in the world, after the Bible!
It’s however not enough to have the Messenger Angel available in so many languages; these translations have to get into the hands of the language speakers. Only then will the message get into their hearts to transform their lives.
Endless Opportunities
Today, there’re endless opportunities to make more impact for the Gospel. Imagine a world where billions of people wake up every day to hear God speak to them in the language of their hearts. You can make this happen by:
• Sponsoring the monthly distribution of ALL languages
• Sponsoring the acquisition of more languages
• Volunteering as a Translator or Editor
• Enlisting others to become Translators and Editors
• Distributing translated editions of Rhapsody of Realities
For more information on how to be involved, send an email to [email protected] or Visit https://sponsoralanguage.rhapsodyofrealities.org
I need information on how I can join in sponsoring the rhapsody of realities in every language.I can’t seem to get good information.Please help!