Jesus died that I may have life to the full; He was buried and raised for my justification. Thus, I live the beautiful life that Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection consummated for me. I am a new creation with the very life of God surging through my being; I never get sick. I prosper in my life and health, even as my soul prospers. I live unto righteousness, for I am dead to sin and its wages. Eternal life is at work in me, and every part of my being is inundated with the life of God. The result of this life is undeniable, inevitable, and evidential for all to see. I refuse to succumb to the rudiments of this world; the corruption and destructive influences of this present world of darkness. The life of God shines in and through me, dispelling every force and negative impact of darkness around me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
oh i am blessed i have joint with god i have one identity by nature
Yesterday encountment with the man of GOD,AMEN JESUS IN US The hope of G5orz
Comment: am really blessed thank you my life coach
I live to the fullest all that Jesus has done for me, Amen!
Comment: Thank you for Confessions. God bless you all