Pastor Chris points out four important areas of preparation.
Effusive moments sprang across the auditorium at the magnificent LoveWorld Crusade Grounds and widespread viewing centers with participants from around the world, as LoveWorld President, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome released the timely prophetic word of the new year, 2021. He declared 2021 to be ‘the Year of Preparation’ at the Global New Year’s Eve Service. The global audience received God’s Word to them with palpable joy and unprecedented celebration with readiness to act on the Word. A panoramic view of the live audience at the LoveWorld Crusade Grounds.
Expounding further, Pastor Chris heralded that God is building His Church through His people and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Reading from Amos 4:10-12, the man of God charged the global participants to prepare their hearts to serve the Lord and to make preparations for the house of the Lord. ‘Prepare with the gospel’ was the third point spelt out by Pastor Chris as he read from Ephesians 6:15; “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” LoveWorld President finally urged participants to prepare to meet God emphasizing that the Church has entered a time of preparation. ‘We are in the last days, the closing moments of the world’, he remarked.Exhilarating song ministration by award winning Moses Bliss.
Congratulations to all citizens of LoveWorld, who are set to parade through 2021 with preparatory gears; running with the Word of the Year from the Spirit through the man of God, Pastor Chris. Happy New Year!