Healing festival with Pastor Chris to beam live via www.healingstreams.tv and the Healing School mobile app.
Another epoch-making global healing crusade is set to hit the world again. It is the March 2022 edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. Come Friday, March 18th to Sunday, March 20th, God’s healing power will saturate the earth for an outburst of miracles, healings, and blessings all over the world. This special 3-day healing program to be hosted from Nigeria will be beamed live to a mammoth global audience in over 5000 language translations via the Healing Streams TV at www.healingstreams.tv, and the Healing School mobile app at 6 pm GMT+1 daily.
Rounding up over 6.5billion people in the largest ever healing crusade, the previous edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services evinced unprecedented miracles and testimonies of healings that have continued to pour in till today. World-renowned healing evangelist, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome unleashed the power of God to all corners of the earth; ridding several dozens of all their ailments and infirmities. Testimonies sprang everywhere; many attested to restored sights, unstopped deafness reversed lameness, the dead brought back to life, and hospitals emptied. It was an avalanche of miracles.
This miraculous experience has stirred up faith in more people as they anticipate the beckoning edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services. A surge of God’s healing streams is set to flow to every county, city, town, country, and continent of the world during this epic event. Non-stop prayers are being held online and onsite in preparation for the divine visitation. Several spaces including hospitals, schools, parks, compounds, homes, stadia as well as virtual platforms, have also been prepared as healing centers to host this momentous healing escapade worldwide. It’s the biggest healing service to be witnessed yet on the planet.