Beloved team,
I translate every month 3 pages of the Rapsody of Realities into Dutch and sponsor it monthly. Speak it in every day for my younger brother who has trouble in reading and activate the Healing Services for my brother in Australië. But I don’t understand the word Rhapathron.
I blow the sjofar every now and than, so I suppose it is the blowing by the angel or the sound of the trumpet .
Beloved team,
I translate every month 3 pages of the Rapsody of Realities into Dutch and sponsor it monthly. Speak it in every day for my younger brother who has trouble in reading and activate the Healing Services for my brother in Australië. But I don’t understand the word Rhapathron.
I blow the sjofar every now and than, so I suppose it is the blowing by the angel or the sound of the trumpet .