The 2019 Healing School Summer Session in Canada kicked off on Friday 9th of August. Hundreds of registered students converged from various countries of 0the world for this epochal event. Great expectations abound for this Session and it promises to be a life-transforming experience for all in attendance.

Many of them came with diverse health challenges; mental, physical, spiritual, etc. They came with faith in their hearts towards God for an end to their predicaments.

Already, Session activities are in top gear. Several have given their hearts to Christ and new life has begun for them. Through the teaching of the Word, the students are learning to exercise their faith and to position themselves for miracles and testimonies. The first healing service is scheduled to hold on Sunday 25th of August, and many of the participants at the Summer Session are looking forward with great anticipation, for a time of God’s visitation, when their mourning will be turned into dancing, when the tears of several years will wiped away.

What a day of rejoicing it will be!
One thing is certain, every one of them will experience a miraculous touch from God and their lives will never be the same again. Don’t miss this opportunity to beautify lives in this season of divine healing.
You can a vital part of the ongoing Summer Session by:
– Giving for the Session
– Praying for the Session
– Inviting someone to attend the Session.
Stay tuned for more updates from the Session.