“Off to school we go”
It’s off to school we go
We’ll take our lunch and ride the bus,
With everyone we know.
Off to school we go,
It’s off to school we go,
We learn our ABC’s and more
With everyone we know.
It’s that time of the year again, where we come together as a team to sponsor indigent children back to school…. Guess what?????? It’s even more unique this year and we are so excited to unveil the “Mentor a Child Initiative”.
What is the “Mentor a Child Initiative” you might ask???? Well, it is a wonderful opportunity for you our esteemed partners to send an indigent child in your community back to school through the InnerCity Mission Back to School Campaign.
With $100 (USD) or its equivalent in your local currency, you can send a child in your community back to school. In doing this, you are giving a child reasons to not just dream again but to hope for a better future. You are also, relieving families who are financially trapped or have lost their means of livelihood as a result of natural or man-made disasters and can barely take care of their children.
So what are you waiting for???? Join the InnerCity Mission today to put smiles on the faces of indigent children, one child at a time!!!
To sponsor a child, for more information on how to partner with us send a mail to [email protected]