Home Ministry News Dr.Morris Cerullo Prophesies Of Pastor Chris’ Significance To The Body Of Christ

Dr.Morris Cerullo Prophesies Of Pastor Chris’ Significance To The Body Of Christ

“I have ordained Pastor Chris…to unite the body of Christ,” Dr. Morris Cerullo prophesies according to the word of the Lord.

The World Evangelism Conference has been a portentous occasion for the body of Christ as a whole, bringing ministers from over 170 nations together under one roof at the SSE Arena, London. The eternal significance of this once-a-lifetime event was further strengthened when 87-year-old world evangelist and renowned minister of the Gospel, Dr. Morris Cerullo, took the stage to address the congregation for the first time in the 3-day conference.

“I would have traveled the 10,000 miles (from San Diego) just to hear Pastor Chris speak last night,” Dr. Morris Cerullo began, acknowledging and giving honor to the unique teaching ministry, marked by revelations of Pauline magnitude and significance, that many have testified of, concerning the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome.

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Dr. Cerullo testified that in all of his ministry spanning more than 60 years, he had never been at another ministry’s conference for 3 days. This, he expounded upon, sharing with Pastor Chris and the congregation present that he came because of a ministry from the Lord to him about a month ago, at which point he called the LoveWorld President forward to deliver the Lord’s message.

“I have ordained him to bring a spirit of unity to the ministry that I have raised up in these last days! He will be an instrument to unite the body of Christ,” Dr. Cerullo said, on behalf of the God and Father of the whole family of Christ’s body on earth and in Heaven. These words resounded in the spirits of everyone present, causing many to cry tears of gratitude to God for the opportunity to witness such an occasion and also for the Lord’s gracious providence.

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The esteemed Dr. Cerullo invited all ministers on the platform, including renowned Evangelist David Hathaway, to surround Pastor Chris in an action of prophetic significance, pointing to the manner in which Pastor Chris will unite the body of Christ in a special way for these last days.

The entire congregation stretched out their hands, praying in the Spirit, and thanking God for what Dr. Cerullo referred to as “the spirit of (divine) destiny” that is at work through the LoveWorld President. Indeed, this conference has marked a spiritual revolution that time will unveil to the rest of the world as God’s Church shows herself stronger, more prosperous and more glorious than the day she was born on that Pentecost Day, 2,000 years ago.

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  1. I’m very very grateful to God for all these good news I’m hearing and being continually blessed!Glory, Glory to God for ever more.

  2. I’m overwhelmed by the great work God is using Pastor Chris to do all over the world. God bless you more and more Pastor Chris.

  3. Glory to God , he is faithful who has not left us without hope. I thank God Almighty for his great hand upon Pastor Chris and how he has made him a vessel of renown in the body of Christ and to to the lost. Alleluia!

  4. What a reassurance of the working of the Spirit of God through our Man of God. The Church is one, united and marching on and the gate of hell cannot prevail. It’s a privilege to be a Partner for this purpose. Glory be to God.

    • We thank God for he is great and God of Order the body of Christ will be United Holy Spirit Will continue to lead pastor Chris amen

  5. I have found a unique fathering ministry in Pastor Chris teaching.

  6. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a messenger sent by God our Father in through Jesus Christ to the world. And the voice of God told me to listen to him. God bless you Pastor Chris.

  7. Glory Hallelujah,
    Praise God Almighty.
    Pastor Chris is the Prophet of this end time.
    Jesus is Coming Soon.
    Please Join, Lets connect, its free

  8. With God all things are possible!!! Hallelujah

  9. Awesome for truly God remains King of kings. How do I contact the ministry directly. Thank you all


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