Home Rhapsody Global Rhapathon With Pastor Chris

Global Rhapathon With Pastor Chris

It’s time to embark on an epic journey that will transform you forever; get ready for RHAPATHON with Pastor Chris; a series of epics about Rhapsody of Realities, and its legendary hero, Jesus Christ!

Scheduled to take place from the 20th – 24th January, it’s going to be a victory parade of the many triumphs of the Messenger Angel authored by the man of God, Pastor Chris, and of its heroic partners, whose extraordinary incursions into different nations and cities have led to the massive spread of righteousness around the world.

Join millions of Rhapsody partners around the world during this 5-day live telecast to celebrate the global impact of the world’s No.1 daily devotional, now in its 20th Year in Print! It’ll be broadcast live on all LoveWorld networks and online.

RHAPATHON with Pastor Chris promises to be a program like no other, beginning a greater level of impact through God’s Word for millions around the world.

For more information, please visit: http://rhapsodyofrealities.org

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  1. Rhapsody of Realities. My personal, personalised made easy to understand Bible. My daily Devotional.
    The word of God by Pastor Chris without compromise.
    Thank you Pastor sir.
    We thank God for your life always.
    You gave my life a meaning.
    Sis Promise

  2. Comment:I am blessed to be a part of this program

  3. I’m from Christembassy Durban Central all I wanted to say thank you so much for being a member of Christembassy. We eat the Word, we talk the, everything we do is about the Word. Thank you so much Pastor I Love you Sir.

  4. Thank you Pastor Sir
    Praising God!
    Rhapsody Of Realities is with me wherever I be and is my tool to soul winning.

  5. Really impressed by the devotional.I am blessed and God continually blesses me when i fix my eyes upon him I have a tattoo on the back of my neck which simply summarises my faith and the word is grace.We can move mountains if we accept that Grace and if we confide in God he will enable and empower us to follow his steps for our further supernatural, empowerment.I love u God and i lift my voice to sing ur praises, I thank you for all the countless blessings u bestow upon me ,i am very blessed,ur justice and mercy rests upon me, i will always be ur faithful servant.Please give me with discernment and help me nit to be afraid to follow ur footsteps. Guide me oh thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren lamb.
    i love u lord and i lift my voice
    to worship u,
    May it be a sweet sweet sound in ur ear

    Unfirtunately i could do further study as i dont have an old testament but God wikk provide

    Daniel kindly loaned me this laptop so that i could post these cpmments on line.Ihopefully my son will bring me my laptop

  6. Ohhh how I wish it was available in all vernacular languages monthly or atleast on a pre-order basis. For the first time I gave the South African Sepedi version to my granny (who cant read english that well) during the 2019 ROSA campaign and she has been praising the messenger angel ever since! She says she reads it everyday and has even gone so far as to passing other Sepedi copies to her beloved and elderly friends

  7. I’m so happy to be a part of the recievers of the truth that the messenger angel has brought to us. God bless Pastor Chris!

  8. I’m ready to move into another spiritual dimension
    Actually Rhapsody of realities made me to have spirit understand the word and the spirit of wisdom on the word of God

  9. The word of God Rhapsody of realities, I am so blessed with its daily message which guides me always. At the end of Rhapathon am sure of the blessings that will reign upon me like never before. I am a financier of the gospel and bless to be a partner of the messenger Angel. God bless My Man of God. Love you sir.

  10. Praise the lord
    Great man of God pastor Chris

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