In her late forties, Bernadeth Pandit, a mother of three, lived a pleasant life until she woke up after a restless night to discover that she could neither move her body nor get out of bed. This began the greatest ordeal of her life. Watch Bernadeth’s riveting testimony of triumphant faith over multiple sclerosis.
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Sending you prayers, I was diagnosed in 2010 and seemed to go down hill quickly. In six years I could no longer work and had real problems with balance and joint pain. Brain fog was really bad sometimes. I took rebif and had a lot of problems and had to quit. I have been on techfadera (not spelled right) for a few years and have several side effects. I felt lost and decided to quit my meds due to side effects. Our care provider introduced me to Ayurvedic treatment. I had a total decline of all symptoms including vision problems, numbness and others. Sometimes, i totally forget i ever had MS. Visit Natural Herbs Centre web-site I am very pleased with this treatment. I eat well, sleep well and exercise regularly. God bless all MS Warriors