According to the W.H.O statistics, cancer is the second leading cause of death across the globe, as it accounted for the death of over 9.6 million people in the year 2018. Nonetheless, amidst this major health setback in a sick and hurting world, the Healing School of our man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has brought answers to the cries of millions who are suffering from this deadly ailment.
Over the years, we have received people from all walks of life, people with cancer cases so dire not even medical science could help them; but after their contact with the man of God, Pastor Chris, were miraculously healed. These past students-turned-ambassadors, have not only retained their testimonies, but have also effectively employed them as evangelical tools in reaching out to others and inspiring faith in the hearts of millions around the world.
In commemoration of the 2019 World Cancer Day, which held on 4th February 2019, Healing School ambassadors in The Netherlands, India, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Canada, Mauritius and Zimbabwe organized various outreach initiatives to individuals, including cancer patients in homes and hospitals, where they extended the liquid love of the Father to them. During these series of outreaches, many were sensitized on the importance of healthy living and eating, as key ways to cancer prevention. The ambassadors also ignited faith in the hearts of those diagnosed with cancer through the ministration of the Word and their exciting healing testimonies, thus restoring their hopes for speedy recovery and healing.
At the end of these initiatives, several copies of ministry materials, including the Healing School Magazine and Healing From Heaven, were distributed; many were led to Christ and registered to attend the upcoming 2019 Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa.
What a most glorious day it was for these beneficiaries, for their lives will forever remain transformed by the Word of God that has taken root in their spirits. Glory to God!