In the inspiring Bible story of the man lowered through the roof (Luke 5:17-26), there’s a remarkable display of unwavering faith and determination. His friends prepared him for his miracle, carrying him toward Jesus, and defying all obstacles. In an instant, a cascade of healing energy surged through the man’s limbs, awakening the power that lay dormant within. Just as the paralyzed man had friends with unwavering faith who created a pathway for his healing, the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris are an opportunity to take healing to your world.
The Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is a special online program designed by the Holy Spirit to bring divine healing to everyone that requires healing for their bodies. The next edition of the program which is the 11th edition is scheduled to hold from Friday the 26th – to Sunday the 28th of July 2024 @ 3 p.m. (GMT+1) daily, broadcasting live on this platform, Healing Streams TV, enterthehealingschool.org/live and Healing School Mobile App.
To register kindly click Here
If He can let Him heal me I believe I receive help my unbelief and heal my heart and my body in the Mighty Name of Jesus
Pastorr CCHHRRIISST Oyakhilome prayy also forr me…onllyy butt nothinnggss hellppss serieuss badd badd badd newss…no testimoniesss…serieuss also to dayyy inn pprrakktice i gett have onlyy 25% lunnggss more overr serieuss also to dayy inn pprrakktice 75% llunnggss off me iis deaddd copd astma chronische bronchituss etc etc Pastorr CCHHRRIISST Oyakhilome prayy also forr me butt onnlly nothinnggss hellppss…serieuss…butt nott problemmmm …amenn amenn hallelujahhhh…The Mann GODsss Pastorr CCHHRRIISSTT Oyakhilome…….