As directed by Our Man of God, Reverend Dr. Chris Oyahkilome Dsc.DD we are starting our global one-hour prayer today, Friday 8th of January, to 14th of January (7 days), at 12noon to 1 pm GMT+1 daily. Check your local time to coincide with this specific period. During this hour of prayer, all we’ll do is pray in the spirit, in tongues of the spirit, each day, at the same time. God bless you.
We praise the Lord for the great grace He made available to us to ’pray without ceasing’, and for the answers to our prayers throughout the year. And now, we continue in prayer, as we launch immediately, without pausing, into Pray-A-Thon 2021. Don’t be a spectator, but a participant. To this end, Plan your schedule to join saints from around the world on the Pray-A-Thon, by praying for 15min every day of 2021, in addition to our other prayer times.