Our Messenger Angel, “Rhapsody of Realities” reaches out to the needy and less privileged through the Rhapsody Missions Trips; penetrating into the hearts of men with the gospel and bringing hope, joy, succor, love, and salvation to their souls with the free distribution of Rhapsody of Realities and relief materials.
Who are refugees and displaced persons?
They are men, women and children fleeing war, persecution and political upheaval. They are uprooted with little warning for fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion and nationality, enduring great hardship during their flight. They become refugees when they cross borders and seek safety in another country. They are displaced when they are forced to flee their homes, but remain within the borders of their native country.
How many refugees and displaced persons are there in the world?
Right now there are about 65.6 million displaced people in the world. One in every 170 persons in the world has been uprooted by war. This is the largest category of vulnerable people in the world. About one third of them are officially recognized refugees because they have crossed an international border. The other two thirds are so-called internally displaced persons, or IDPs, because they are still within their own country. Of the world’s 12 million or so refugees, about 3.2 million are in Africa. In addition, Africa has about half of the world’s 25 million IDPs. 80 percent of the world’s refugees are women and children who are more vulnerable.
In spite of this, we have a refuge in God’s Word. These words from God as contained in the Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional will not only ease the pains of a troubled soul but will become the place of refuge and strong tower to the one that calls upon Him. However, how will they call upon him except they believe? How will they believe except they hear of him? How will they hear except there is a preacher? How will there be a preacher except they are sent… (Rom. 10:13-15).
Hence the Birth of The Rhapsody of Realities Missions!
My partnership with Rhapsody of Realities has given me the opportunity to affect people’s lives and my life has also been beautified with a baby and a wonderful job-all because of my consistent partnership with Rhapsody of Realities!
– R. Ukwaimungu, Uganda.
I gave a copy of Rhapsody of Realities to my colleague at work, only to discover at the end of the month that he had planned to commit suicide because his wife asked for a divorce. While studying the devotional, he learnt how to apply God’s Word to his marriage. Now, he’s living happily with his wife and has every reason to leave and glorify God.
-Theresa M, Nigeria
How Can I be Involved?
Your Partnership with the Rhapsody of Realities Missions will bring salvation, hope, joy, and love to the less privileged as we distribute free copies of Rhapsody of Realities and relief items around the world
As a partner, you can indicate your interest in participating in one of our upcoming Missions Trip; send us an email at [email protected] to learn more about this special partnership opportunity.