Home Pastor Chris Teaching Pastor Chris Live Unending Praise

Pastor Chris Live Unending Praise

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  1. Amazing Songs and singing by the Loveworld Singers. Awesome!!!!

  2. Amazing platform it’s truly unending praise. Thank you PST Chris for this. We are grateful.

  3. What a glorious time we are have!!!? To be part of pastor Chris live unending praise

  4. Oh Lord I thank You for the privilege to lead the people of God in worship… unending praise 1st June 2023 in cephzn2 Abundant was awesome to the Glory of God!

    To our man of God! Pastor Chris! I love you sir! Thank you for the platform you gave to us to a part of this! I’m grateful sir!!!!!

    • Yes God is great.
      Glory!!!!!!! Hallelujah


  5. Alléluia.gloire à toi seigneur.ton règne est pour l’éternité

  6. Thank you pastor sir for this opportunity to worship God together with other saints

  7. CE Sharjah, Middle East UAE Region… Halleluhya!Glory to Jesus Christ forever more.

    Halloweth be your name oh Lord!

  8. Woow the heavens and the earth shall pass away and his word lives forever more glorry

  9. Wow! God is indeed worthy to be praised. Blessed be to the name of the Lord.
    Great King of All we Glorify You.

  10. Wow! This is awesome! Yes! He is my wisdom and my righteousness! Gloorraaayyyy!

  11. Heavenly voices singing praises unto our God. Thank you Christ Embassy Perth

  12. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.

  13. What a glorious time Praising The Lord
    Thank you Pastor Sir, it’s a new level of glory
    Pst Albert CE Braamfontein SA Zone 2 Sunninghill Group

  14. what a great man of God you are, you are so so blessed
    thank you pastor sir
    i have never been like i am today.
    bro obedgiu goffine CE Nebbi Arua group EWAZ3.

  15. Glory!!!!!!! Hallelujah


  16. We testify of your goodness Lord!
    Glory!!!!!!! Hallelujah
    From Chelsea and Cayla Tor

    • Thanks be to God for the unending praise.it is allsom and supernatural,God is doing his mavelous work through this praise.

  17. Worthy is the lamb

  18. Hallelujah we are live. Warri DSC zone. Thank you Rev. Dr Chris.

  19. Thank you Jesus you are amaizing. We adore you. #cecapetownzone1

  20. Glory to God We are live from Christ Embassy Uyo to the rest of the world

  21. Glory to God forever more for unending praise tooting Church zone 2

  22. Hallelujah lord you’re my melody….glory to your name…tic tac

  23. Wow gloryyyyyyy it was an amazing prolific Year of souls winning everywhere cell everywhere and now project 1000 is done for me my leaders I’m going discipline 1000 cell leaders for our Lord Jesus Christ

  24. Glory to His name and praises be unto our God forevermore . Hallelujah!

  25. The earth is full of your goodness, treasures everywhere, hidden riches of secret places

  26. Gloryyy Gloryyy!!! What a privilege to sing praises unto the Lord
    Christ Embassy Tanzania

  27. Praise, Blessings and Glory be to God enthroned and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever.

  28. I am Zambian who live in Matero township LUSAKA. I have been often going out in prayer to the mountain to seek the face of God. The booklet I use is your Daily Manna devotional for 2015. It has worn out pages. There some hynms on the last pages which I don’t know to sing. With this one I am highly inspired and strengthned. All in all there is a bare land which we would want help to build up a scoan for worship in Zambia. PLEASE refer to Bishop CHRIS himself to help us build that Temple of God. Please may I hear from you soon.

  29. Glory to God! Answers everywhere! Miracles everywhere!!!
    Christ Embassy Ekiti 1

  30. Amazing GOD, most high we adore your name
    And to our teacher,our mentor,our advice thanks alot sir we appreciate your effort towards our ministry and for making this platform available

  31. Watching from ceindiazone mumbai Glory to God for this wonderful praise evening

  32. Watching from Christ embassy Akure Nigeria Glory to God

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