Daily broadcasts of the impactful program to beam live on all LoveWorld Networks and various internet platforms.
The effervescent ‘Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris’, Season II, Phase III commences on Monday, July 27, 2020 to Friday, July 31, 2020. Like previous phases, this new phase of the insightful and faith-building telecast would be beamed live to billions across the globe on all LoveWorld Networks and various internet platforms.
Numerous testimonies, consequent on the past phases of this timely program, have continued to pour in from all around the world. While some have testified to an increased disciplined walk with the Lord, others have attested to the discovery of their true identity in Christ, as a result of the explicit teachings by Pastor Chris .
Whereas the earlier phases of this power-packed program recorded participation from Oakland, England, Canada, New Zealand, and several other countries, a much wider reach is targeted in this upcoming phase. Encouraging people from all around the world to ensure full participation in the program, Pastor Chris, announced that something special is on the horizon in the coming month.
Get ready to be engulfed in another 5-day adventure in God’s word in this new phase of ‘Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris’. Participate live here or tune into any LoveWorld TV station each day at 7 pm GMT +1 (2 pm EST) to participate live and watch your life soar to higher heights in Christ.