In this Friday’s Rhapsody we learn of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. Is there a difference? Find out as you study today’s article, and share the Word with others too. Visit http://rhapsodyofrealities.org. Jude 1:20 says, ’But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit’. At our prayer times today, we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit for all 15min prayer sessions. The final session of Your Loveworld Season 3 Phase 5 will be live at 7pm GMT+1 on all Loveworld Networks, Ministry websites, LiveTV mobile, Ceflix and various social media platforms. Don’t miss this climatic session full of special blessings; and help others participate too. God bless you.