All praise, glory and honour to the Lord for a most wonderful and successful Healing Streams Live Healing Services, which concluded yesterday. The Lord is gracious and kind, and we’re most grateful for the countless healing miracles, deliverance and salvation many experienced around the world this past weekend, and for many others, still happening. If you received any of these, remember to share it at http://healingstreams.tv.
Also beginning today March 21st till April 2nd at 6pm GMT+1 (Mon to Thurs) and 4pm GMT+1 (Fri to Sun), is the Healing Streams Festival of Miracles, where we’ll be bringing you live testimonies and victory reports from all around the world, as a result of the Healing Streams. Be sure to be a part of it, showing on all Loveworld Networks and http://healingstreams.tv. In today’s Rhapsody, we’re admonished to speak forth rhema. Study it to learn more. Visit http://rhapsodyofrealities.org.
At our prayer times today, we’ll pray fervidly in tongues of the Spirit, thanking the Lord profusely for the outpouring of His grace and love, in healings, miracles, deliverance and salvation, at the Healing Streams. The Lord is gracious and greatly to be praised forever. Amen. God bless you.