Home Confession Prosperity Convictions

Prosperity Convictions

I affirm that God has freely given me all things to enjoy. He has piled on me all the riches I could ever imagine. By these riches I do good and I am extravagantly generous. As I give, more is given unto me, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over are men pouring into my bosom. My profiting is appearing to all. As men everywhere are in dire financial straits, the troubles in this world are not for me because I am not of this world. My light continues to shine in a crooked and perverse generation. It can never be overcome by darkness. I live in abundance, money loves me and I am minting money. I enjoy endless prosperity, to my prosperity there shall be no end.

Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!

Remember, you can make your way prosperous with words. Get talking today!

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