Born Anew Into Christ
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). When you were born again, you were born and baptized into Christ.1 Corinthians 12:13 says,
“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body…”; you were baptized into the body of Christ, a new man, a new creature with a new life. The King James Version uses the word, “creature” which is a lot more accurate than the word, “creation” as used in some other translations. Being a “new creature” means you’re one of a kind; a peculiar breed. But that’s not all; the latter part of our opening scripture says, “…old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
The underlined word, “behold” calls attention to something God wants you to notice, an important truth. He wants you to SEE that, indeed, you’re a new man in Christ Jesus; everything about your life is new and divine. The old life and nature you received from your biological parents are now supplanted by God’s divine nature, which is why Peter calls us “comrades” or “associates” of the God-kind (2 Peter 1:4).
It wasn’t just a mere change that took place in you when you were born again; there was an actual replacement of the human life with the indestructible life of God. You have the same life with which Jesus was raised from the dead: the resurrection life.
This is what makes it so sublime! It’s the reason sickness for the Christian isn’t supposed to be, because the life in you is divine. Even if you were born with a hereditary disease, the Bible says, “Old things are passed away!” That sickness or disease isn’t, and could never be, a part of your new nature in Christ. The old nature that was subject to sin, defeat, sickness, failure and death, is dead and gone! All things have become new, and all these new things are of God (2 Corinthians 5:18).
Everything about your life carries divinity in it, because you were born into a divine environment; the Christ-environment. Blessed be God!
Being born again, I’m born into the Christ-environment, the divine environment, where I sit with Christ in the realms of glory, dominion, and power. I walk in the light of my righteousness and new nature in Christ, expressing the beauty, glory, and graces of divinity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 4:22-24; Romans 6:4-6
1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Revelation 13:11-14:1-20; Habakkuk 1-3
2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Acts 2:25-36; 2 Chronicles 36