Don’t Let Them Perish Without God
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:17) Imagine that you have friends or relatives who aren’t born again or people who work with you who aren’t born again; don’t let them go to hell! You need to weep and cry for their salvation.
In your intercessory prayers, you need to wail and travail for their souls, that the light of the glorious Gospel would shine in their hearts. You need to pray for them knowing the terror that awaits them, until you’re assured of their salvation. Don’t take this lightly.
Think about your uncles and aunts; think about your cousins, your spouse, your children; don’t let them perish without God! Don’t let them go to hell! Do you know what it is to be in the darkest place for eternity, and never have hope of coming out?
Your presence in your home, school, workplace, neighbourhood, estate, city or country isn’t for a game. It isn’t just for you to be happy and celebrate that you’re born again; you must be concerned for the salvation of others. You’re a saviour to your world. You were sent to save others.
You’re on earth and alive to do the Lord’s work; to win more and more people to Jesus Christ. We’ve got to snatch them out of hell; some of them are already so close, and if we don’t rescue them, they’ll slip right into it. We must not let them!
The Lord has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation, and faithfully, we must keep carrying out our ministry, turning men from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.
Blessed Father, I thank you for making the Gospel heard and received in my world, and your righteousness established in the hearts of men. Indeed, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ. The Lord reigns forever and ever. Amen.
Matthew 24:14; 2 Peter 3:8-10
1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Mark 8:27-9:1-13 & Numbers 5-6
2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 18:21-35 & Exodus 9
All the Grace, the Mercy and the Glory to God the Father Jesus Christ the Lord Almighty!
Yes, God plan is Supernatural size Bigger than I never ever thinking. God will do I just keep interceding my all my families, friends that are not yet saved knowing that The Lord God answered all Amazing Supernatural Blessings every areas Unlimitedly, Abundantly, Continually!
Thank you so much dear Lord for all these precious souls added to your The Kingdom of God in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.