Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world
(1 John 4:17).
A few years ago, a certain Christian brother was kidnapped by a cult. When they arrived at the kidnappers’ shrine, he saw the skulls of several people who had been beheaded; and shortly after their arrival,
the ritualists began to call their latest captives one after the other to the slaughter slab.
Suddenly, the brother began to speak in other tongues. As he spoke in tongues, one of the ritualists came to shut him up, but he spoke in tongues even louder. While everyone else was enveloped in fear, he
spoke out in tongues! Soon enough, pandemonium erupted amongst the ritualists and they kicked him out of their midst. He was freed.
That brother’s experience reveals what happens when you’re full of the Spirit; you’re bold! At that moment when trouble strikes, the power of the Holy Spirit would rise in you; words will come out of you in
torrents of divine energy.
Victory is assured in the fullness of the Spirit. When trouble comes, you’re ready; you’re bold in the day of crisis. The word “judgment” is from the Greek word, “krisis”—the derivative of the English word “crisis.” It depicts a time of intense difficulty or danger.
There have been times when it was said that a Christian was traveling in a bus, and there was a terrible accident, and everybody died. Was the Christian supposed to die with them? No! He was supposed to
have boldness in the time of crisis.
He could have declared at that moment, “In the Name of Jesus, I’m preserved! I don’t die!” He may not even need to say anything at all, because he was already prayed up before he got on the bus. The Bible doesn’t say, “…that we may shout in the day of crisis”; no, it says we may have boldness in the day of crisis. With that boldness of the Spirit, you’ll prevail, irrespective of the circumstances or crisis. Hallelujah!
With boldness and an undeniable faith, I reign in this life. It makes no difference what I face, I refuse to be anxious or afraid. I declare peace and calmness over circumstances; I’m bold and confident to face life and win because greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. Hallelujah!
1 John 4:17-18; Proverbs 24:10; Proverbs 28:1
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 9:18-38 & Genesis 29-30
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 5:31-40 & Genesis 12