Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23).
In Mark chapter 4, Jesus tells us the parable of the sower: “…there went out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up…” While explaining the parable, He revealed that the seeds that fell by the wayside represented those who heard the Word and didn’t understand it; hence satan came immediately and stole the Word from their hearts (Mark 4:3-4, 14-15).
The first time I read this portion of Scripture, I was amazed that satan could steal the Word of God. But then I realized that satan could steal it from those who don’t understand it. Also, many lose the Word in their heart through fear, which is a manipulative tool of the enemy. Never give room to fear in your heart, for fear chokes the Word. Rather, through faith, receive the engrafted Word of God into your spirit and safeguard it therein
Everything in life stems from the Word of God. God’s Word, which encapsulates prosperity, health, success and victory is in your heart, and the devil is bent on stealing it from you. Therefore, you’re to mount guard over your heart and safeguard the Word in your spirit. The way to do this is through prayer and meditation. Meditation drives the Word deep into your spirit, causing your understanding to be broadened and as such the Word you’ve received stays.
Prayer, on the other hand, concretizes it! Through prayer your spirit is positioned and conditioned rightly to receive and retain God’s Word. So, when you hear the Word, as you’ve done even now, don’t neglect to drive it deep into your heart by meditation, and then concretize it with prayer! Otherwise, you could be creating an inroad for the enemy to steal it from you. Never let that happen.