Home Rhapsody The Rhapsody Evangelistic Outreach Network

The Rhapsody Evangelistic Outreach Network

We’re in a special time in the world today. The Lord is doing a quick work around the world, and He’s bringing all hands on deck. Ministers and ministries are coming together in a united front to accomplish great feats for the Lord, regardless of denomination. There’s a unity of spirit, just as the Lord Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love to another” (John 13:35). As they work together, pray together, and labour together, nothing can stop them from achieving what the Lord has put in their hearts to achieve!

REON: An Umbrella Of Love And Unity.

The umbrella of love and unity of the Spirit that has brought these ministries together is none other than the Rhapsody Evangelistic Outreach Network (REON), a network of ministers who have adopted the use of the Messenger Angel, Rhapsody of Realities, for themselves and their ministries, and are trained to help others adopt it also.

Currently, the network is made up of millions of ministers from around the world who interact with one another, strategize, and reposition their ministries for effective growth and expansion with Rhapsody of Realities.

Increase In Strength And Glory

The Bible says in Acts 9:22, “But Saul increased the more in strength…” He was empowered and strengthened from within to be able to accomplish more. As he increased in strength, he increased in glory.

This is what has happened with the ministers through their association with Rhapsody of Realities: they’ve increased in strength and glory. Like never before, they’re experiencing exponential growth in their churches and transformation in the lives of their members. As a result, they’re committed to telling other ministers about the devotional, so that they also can experience supernatural growth.

Increase your relevance and the impact of your ministry in global evangelization with Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional: join the REON network by visiting – http://reoninternational.org or by sending an email to – [email protected]

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  1. Thank you so much I really wants to join for the global outreach in my country Cameroon

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