Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood (Acts 20:28).
If you’re a leader in God’s Kingdom, you must first understand that you’re an overseer, entrusted with the responsibility to take care of God’s children, the souls for whom Christ died. The Bible says, “Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly…Not domineering [as arrogant, dictatorial, and overbearing persons] over those in your charge, but being examples (patterns and models of Christian living) to the flock (the congregation)” (1 Peter 5:2-3 AMPC).
It doesn’t matter if the people are many or few; the responsibility is the same. Don’t let any one of them backslide! Intercede for them; pray about their needs and the challenges they might be going through. It’s important to have a prayer diary where you write out their names, calling each one by name as you contend for their souls in prayer. Pray passionately that every resistance to their spiritual growth and progress is broken and their desire
for the things of the Spirit is fanned aflame and sustained as they grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
You have the privilege and responsibility to stand in the gap for others. You’re the priest over them; you’ve been given the office to minister and pray, and God will hear you. Perhaps you’re a cell leader, a church pastor, a coordinator, etc., when your members face challenges, go into intercession in their behalf.
As their leader, you’re responsible for their spiritual growth. Help them; teach, and guide them in the things of God. As you teach train, and share the love of God with them, you’ll see them grow. This will become your joy because every time you witness the Word of God producing results in their lives, it excites you. And at the end, that’s what you’ll present to God, souls—those whose lives you’ve impacted and helped to transform. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, thank you for making me an overseer of your flock. I have the grace to care for each soul under my charge, interceding for them with passion and fervency. I declare that they are strengthened, built up in the Word, growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Their desire for the things of the Spirit is aglow and sustained, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Acts 20:28 NIV; Ezekiel 3:17; 1 Peter 5:2-3 NKJV
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 11:1-30 & Genesis 36-37
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Matthew 6:14-24 & Genesis 15
God’s Word is living and active and it is a lamp into my feet and light into my paths. Thank you Jesus for teaching and reminding me of my responsibility I’m caring for those you given to my charge. Not by power nor by might Lord, I trust and really on the Holy Spirit to effectively discharge my duties.