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Are you looking for a Christ Embassy Church closest to you? Did you travel out of your city and don’t know the closest Christ Embassy Church to you? Or Are you on holiday?

Did you win a soul while on a trip and looking to direct him/her to a Christ Embassy Church close to them search no more just click to download the LoveWorld 360lace App and you have the closest Church to you at your fingertips.

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  1. I got born-Again on July 14 2013 at 19 Years. I was in Senior Six[S.6]. But something happened to my Spirit. 2019 was indeed the year of Lights. I saw the light of God and I received the Word of God into Spirit.

    And the month of September in particular was really the month of Uplifting.I was Uplifted on 1st of this month when the Holy Ghost overshadowed me and I spoke in Unknown Tongues as the Spirit gave me utterances during a global communion service. I was at CHRIST EMBASSY WANDEGEYA, Kampala(UG).

  2. A message by the pastor was recorded and posted on Facebook. He was speaking about the plans starting in Canada to lockdown and lock up people complete with isolation camps being built around the country. This type of message will not stay on Facebook very long. Where can I download (and keep) a copy of this to spread the message the good pastor is speaking about?
    Please advise. Thank you.

    • you can download the pastor Chris digital library app on the play store, all of pastors messages can be found there,

  3. Dear Esteemed,
    Warm greetings in Jesus Name,
    I am writing you this email to make a request. I wanted to know if you could please help me get this series messages title “The Newness of Life” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. I would really appreciate that. I had this series on my flash drive, my flash drive got crashed. Please help find that series please. “The Newness of Life” series is not on the PCDL app. Unless it’s under another title. Could you please help me locate it? Please let me know what other title it is under. I will buy it it is available. Thank you!
    Have a blessed day. Stan
    The Newness of Life.jpg

  4. Dear & Respected Pastor Chris,
    Greetings in Lord’s Jesus Christ.
    With many Prayers and blessings
    Irfan Daniel
    Youth Leader,
    Presbyterian Church Noul Slalkot Pakistan

  5. I just downloaded the App and its great locate my church immediately. Its good for evangelism I can now direct souls easily.

  6. My name is Sara am Eriterean i live in Zambia its my first time reading the Rhapsody of Realities and woww it changes my life and it really helped me to daily meditate and be connected to God am blessed daily.

  7. How can i chat with the Pastor chris, can you help me with direct connection with the pastor, or when is he coming to the U.S? Can you give me his number or email please…

  8. Hi please pray for my health and healing, physical healing, emotional healing, family, financial needs. Thanks and God bless

  9. Colin and chioma

    Pls call Betty in regards to the mandarin translator

    Lost your no.


  10. I wish me and my family will heal through Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

  11. Please man of God support us in your prayer request.

    as you do May God grow you and also grow the foundation of God Loveworld ministry.

  12. I am from India. I am visiting Nigeria during 11-16, October, 2022. What is the time that I can visit your Church during this time? Do you have any service during this period?

  13. Hello ! My name is Engozo’o Juvet-Loth Modeste from Cameroon… I am a French speaker… so, don’t be too rigourous about my level of English language…
    My main aim, is to thank the Lord JESUS-CHRIST for drawing me closer to him… Praise the Lord !
    Thanks to pastor Hillary in Cameroon who has decided to spread the word of GOD in the South region… And made me integrate the implementation process of Christ Embassy EBOLOWA… it’s A SPECIAL GRACE !

  14. Is there a Christ Embassy church in Nottingham, England, please?

  15. Dear Pastor Chris, I have two questions:
    Will you be holding a Healing Streams Service online again this year 2023? And will you be coming to Europe?
    Thank you in advance.

  16. judgement of yahowah be upon you pastor chris, for leading millions to hell

  17. Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed (soonest) under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and angel of Blessings locate us today as God’s messenger to come and help us today resolve, May our family rejoice together, and let worries turn into joy , furthermore from this day our Restaurant Business sales increases as we know, Nothing is impossible with Our God. Amen

  18. A beautiful day to all saints, please where can I locate Christ embassy church in Akungba in Ondo state.

  19. Dear Beloved sir and team

    we kindly Request to you please support for 15 pastors support in india

    for kingdom work

    Thank you

    pastor ch.jagadish and team

    visakhapatnam city


  20. I am a young pastor locking to for a job. I will be doing my bachelors in pastoral studies and wanted to know if there was a need for any pastors or co pastors. Would love to be part of your establishment.

  21. Good morning and happy new year. As a soul winner and church planter, have been trying to download the Loveworld 360lace app but not installing on my android. Kindly help me through. Thanks

  22. Hello, How can I contact Pastor Chris’ ministry? I would appreciate your help!

  23. This app sounds amazing! I’m looking forward to using 360Lace to connect more easily with the Christ Embassy community. The features you mentioned seem really helpful for staying updated and engaged. Great work!

  24. Good day

    I have been trying to register on Espees wallet in order to give but it just forever to load. mind you i have been trying to to do in almost two weeks time. Please help


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