It’s so interesting to know what God’s greatest wish for you really is. God’s greatest wish and desire is for you to prosper and be in health! He desires your prosperity in its entirety- prosperity in your health, your job, your family, your ministry and every area of your life. He wishes above all things that you prosper and be in good health.
Notice how He conjoins His desire for your prosperity with your health. He lets you know how much He wants you rich and healthy. He desires above all things that you are not bound by any kind of infirmity. Maybe you have been sick for a long time, or you know someone who has been confined to a wheel chair and the doctors say there is no hope. I have good news for you: God desires above all things is for you to rise up from that sick bed; He desires for you to walk again.
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He desires to see those blind eyes pop open. He desires for those deaf ears to be unstopped today. He desires for all your needs to be supplied and your bills paid. God wants you healthy and prosperous; refuse to accept anything contrary. Come into agreement with Him so His wish concerning you can be actualized. He has given you divine, perfect health. Meditate deeply on this truth and let it completely influence your mentality.
Is my month of Thanksgiving. Amen
I am glad that these got exposed ha ha ha