He who comes from above (heaven) is [far] above all [others]; he who comes from the earth belongs to the earth, and talks the language of earth [his words are from an earthly standpoint]. He Who comes from heaven is [far] above all others [far superior to all others in prominence and in excellence] (John 3:31 AMP).
Our opening text is the beautiful description of you as a new creation. You’re from heaven, and are far superior to all other creatures in prominence and in excellence.
Understand that this natural world has been subjected to the influence of Satan, which is why there’s sickness, disease, war, death, poverty, and all kinds of evil in the world. However, you’re not of this world; you belong in another kingdom—God’s Kingdom; you’re right now a bona-fide citizen of Zion.
This takes you away from the class of ordinary beings; each of us is a new creation in Christ, born with a superior spirit. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “…if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.” God didn’t make a new creation that’s subject to Satan, poverty, sickness, disease and death; no! He made a new creation that’s victorious over the world; a new creation that’s in union with God, and is a joint-heir with Christ (1 Corinthians 6:17).
1 Peter 2:9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation….” The word “generation” derives from the root-word “gene.” Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism’s cells and pass genetic traits from parent to offspring. They determine the physical, mental and other characteristics an individual inherits from his parents. Thus, when the Word describes you as a chosen generation, it describes the divine genetic material by which you were made; you have God’s “DNA,” as it were.
No wonder the Bible says we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). You were born to manifest the graces, excellences, beauties, perfections and auras of divinity. You’re a carrier of blessings; therefore, everywhere you go, change lives, take away pains, and bring joy to the hearts of many. Dispense God’s goodness to those around you.
Powerful word it is, i am encouraged i now know my position.