The hour had finally come, this was the highpoint of the service that many had looked forward to. It was a special moment for the unlimited manifestation of God’s Spirit as the man of God, Pastor Chris, walked into the hall. The atmosphere in the auditorium was one of elation. The man of God ministered to those on the healing line one after the other, and diverse miracles happened all over the place. The lame walked, blind eyes opened, deaf ears were unstopped, and all manner of sicknesses and diseases came to nothing.

All present rejoiced and praised the Lord in reverence and wonder of His mighty power demonstrated in the lives of those who had just been healed. For so many people, today signifies the end of all hopeless situations and the hardships of the past are now history. Thereafter, the man of God, Pastor Chris, specially acknowledged visiting ministers and appreciated the partners of the Healing School for their commitment to transforming lives all over the world.

He also expounded deep truths from the Word and blessed everyone one present with increased grace and renewed strength. It was with great joy and conviction that many came forward to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus over their lives as the man of God made an altar call.

All in attendance marvelled at God’s amazing grace as this tremendous season of healing wonders came to a close amidst singing and dancing. What a most remarkable capstone to the 2019 Healing School Summer Session.

Thank you all for staying with us throughout this Session in prayer and giving. God bless you.