“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1
Our opening scripture is just so powerful! It begins with the word “Behold,” which means, “See!” The same word is used in 2 Corinthians 5:17; it’s a rather emphatic word, so read the entire verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” In other words, now that you’re in Christ, “see” that all things are now new; behold it. Glory to God!
The word is akin to a Hebrew word in the Old Testament, “chazah,” which means to see with the eyes of a prophet, something that others couldn’t see. So, He says, “see it,” because ordinarily, from the natural standpoint, with your physical eyes, you may not see what He’s showing you or telling you, but He wants you to see with the eyes of the Spirit. He wants you to “see” that you’re now strong; “see” that you’re healthy; “see” that you’re sound; “see” that you’re righteous and prosperous. See!
It matters what you see. See that God has lavished His love on you so superfluously that you should be called His very own, His beloved. No wonder Ephesians 1:6 says, “…He has made us accepted in the Beloved.” See yourself in this light and you’ll never live in fear or condemnation. The Word of God is the True Light; the same Word is saying to you now, see that you’re loved of God! See that you’re not abandoned and forsaken! See that He’s with you, and in you, to lead and guide you triumphantly through life. Hallelujah!
Whao! Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. I am the seed of God!
O Lord, your Word is the True Light that leads and guides us triumphantly through life….glrorry to god
Hallelujah ‼️
I am the beloved of the Lord