Special 3-day prayer program set to beam live via all LoveWorld TV Networks and various internet platforms.
From Monday, May 11th to Wednesday May 13th, Christians from around the world will join the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, for a special 3-day Global Prayer and Fasting program. Pastor Chris made the solemn call for prayers at the ongoing phase 5 of the special ‘Your Loveworld’ series.
Expounding on the import of this special program, the man of God, remarked that inasmuch as the satanic forces responsible for the evil recently unleashed on the world had been dealt with, man by himself has the tendency of evil inclinations towards his fellow man. Consequent on this, it is imperative for the Church of Jesus Christ to pray and fast in order to restrain the power of man to control this world with evil and violence, Pastor Chris explained. “We are praying and fasting to regain our rights and also against the decrees of darkness to force us to live in a world of the beast before his time,” he added. The man of God, therefore, called on ministers of the Gospel and the saints of God from all around the world, both old and young alike, to latch on this special prayer and fasting program, ensuring that God’s will concerning the earth materializes. He emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Church to invite God’s supernatural intervention in the earth, stating that “this might be our only chance to make the necessary difference.”
Watch the featured video above and be inspired to participate in the 3-day Global Prayer and Fasting with Pastor Chris.
Tune in to any Loveworld TV station or log on to www.christembassy.org, www.ceflix.org, LiveTV Mobile App at 12 noon GMT+1 and at 7pm GMT+1 (2pm EST) daily to participate live.
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