Saturday, 12th October 2019 was a day of miracles, healing, salvation and uncommon blessings for those who attended the Global Miracle Faith Seminar. Participating live from viewing centers across Southern Africa and online, all in attendance had the desire to be divinely impacted by the Word and to be touched by the Holy Spirit.

The beautiful song renditions from the choir moved the global audience into a fresh wave of God’s glory and beauty, stirring a spirited atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. In a warm welcome address, the esteemed Pastor Gert Meyer welcomed everyone to a time of unprecedented showers of the supernatural.

Amplifying faith in the hearts of the attendees, live testifiers graced the stage to share on the impact of the healing ministry of Pastor Chris in their lives and in the lives of those who have come in contact with them since their time at the Healing School.

“The Healing School was my last bus stop”, Annah Chigwa, who was healed of cerebellar syndrome, recapped. Keren Chulu sustained severe fractures in an accident, but one word from God changed her story. On her Healing School experience, she said, “The Word of God came alive when I came to the Healing School, and it cut away every pain.” Nokuthula ministered to those expecting a miracle, “Stick to the Word, focus on God, and you will come back with a testimony,” he enthused.

The esteemed Pastor Freedom-Wealth Eriya, pastor of Christ Embassy Southern Africa Zone 1, exhorted the global audience on eternal life and its effects on the human body. “You are one with the Father. You are one with eternity. The Father doesn’t get sick and neither should you. When you have eternal life, it overflows from your spirit to your body,” he expounded. Furthermore, he pointed out that the way to activate the overflow is with faith-filled proclamations of God’s Word, and for God’s children to walk with the consciousness that eternal life is theirs

The destiny-shaping event came to a phenomenal close when Pastor Freedom specially prayed for the sick and blessed the participants with the Word of God. Miracles were wrought and many received the most precious gift of salvation, after an altar call. Shouts of victory and rejoicing echoed through the audience across every nation at the marvelous works that the Lord has done.

Martin from South Africa had suffered a dysfunction characterised by a strange rumbling noise in his left ear for 2 months, but when the Pastor Freedom instructed that hands be placed where people needed healing, he acted in faith and received his healing immediately. “Right there, I knew I had been healed and right now, I am enjoying my healing,” he said. Praise the Lord!