O LORD, you give me light; you dispel my darkness (Psalm 18:28 GNB).
To live in ignorance is to live in darkness. A man’s area of ignorance is his area of darkness. I remember when I was much younger; I gave my life to Christ several times out of ignorance. Each time I remembered all the things I did wrong during the week, I’d feel condemned and would go to church on Sunday to “get born-again again.”
It was a terrible situation to be in, for most of the information I had were founded on sense-knowledge, not the Word of God. It was until I began to study the Bible for myself that I discovered I didn’t have to give my life to Christ over and over again. I became a new creation the very first time I gave my heart to Christ.
You have to study God’s Word for yourself, for only God’s Word dispels ignorance. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” It doesn’t matter if the darkness is in your job, business, health, or marriage, if you would let the light of God’s Word dominate your spirit, it will illuminate your path and give you direction in the way of success and victory. Praise God!