For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost (Matthew 18:11).
T.L Osborn once made a striking statement during a conference many years ago, as he reviewed the spiritual condition of China. He was concerned about the millions of people in that nation at the time who didn’t know Jesus. As he ministered, it got to a point his voice broke, and addressing the young people in the congregation, he said, “Young people, may God make China beautiful to you.” I was touched by what he said. It got me thinking, and then I realized that really, until God makes the sinners beautiful to you, and you see their true value, you may never be able to reach them with the love of Christ.
It’s like the story of Michelangelo who went into a shop and saw a stone. The shop keeper said, “Nobody wants that stone. Why are you interested in it?” But the famous Renaissance sculptor replied, “I see an angel in the stone.” He saw what he could make out of a stone, and till date, he’s celebrated for creating the world’s marble wonder – the famous statue of David. I pray that God will open your eyes to see the beauty in the sinners around you.
Think for a moment, how one who was as injurious as Saul of Tarsus, could become such a wonderful apostle of Christ! Imagine the vast potentials for the Gospel that would have been lost had God not intervened to get him converted. It’s important that you look beyond the deeds of the unsaved around you and consider what they could become through the power of the Gospel. See the beauty in them and their potential greatness, for the Word of God has the ability to transform any life.
This kind of thinking would motivate you to preach the Gospel to every sinner. Remember, you’re the custodian of eternal verities. God has invested so much in you and has made you His partner in reaching others. You’re His steward of the Gospel message; and that’s the only message that can bring salvation to the sinner. So reach out today and bless your world with the message of Christ’s salvation.
I’m so blessed by all the sermons on salvation and soulwinning. I can’t thank you enough.
I can’t keep quiet with the message.