Home Spiritual Trainings Take The Land—Giants And All!

Take The Land—Giants And All!

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Caleb was one of the twelve spies Moses sent to spy out Canaan, the land of promise. When they returned, ten of them gave a discouraging, faithless report about the land. But Caleb and Joshua spoke by faith. God rewarded Caleb’s faith by promising to give him a portion of the land as an inheritance. This land, as we would later discover in Joshua 14, was no ordinary land, but one occupied by giants.

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God has called you to a life of endless testimonies. Nevertheless, He doesn’t give you “free lands” to simply stroll into and occupy; the lands may have giants in them. Some Christians don’t seem to like this idea; they wish they could just go on in life every day without having to face any trouble. But God only allows troubles to come to you because He knows they’re like exams; they challenge your faith, and overcoming them leads to your promotion.

Caleb overcame his challenges by faith. The Bible tells us how, forty-five years after God had made the promise to him, at the age of eighty-five, Caleb took his land and drove out the giants from it (Joshua 15:14).

When you encounter troubles in your walk of faith, the Lord expects you to face them squarely and overcome them. Refuse to fear, for anxiety never works. Instead, be strong and courageous. Be confident of the fact that the anointing of God is on your life. That anointing will make you fearless and courageous, and your life will be a story of victory all the way.

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