Home Ministry News Your Loveworld With Pastor Chris – Testimonies From Around The World

Your Loveworld With Pastor Chris – Testimonies From Around The World

With billions of online participants from across the globe, Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris is reaching and transforming many lives and homes. Myriads of testimonies have poured in, telling of the impact of the Word of God and the move of His Spirit.
Portia from South Africa testifies: “I’m grateful to God for what he did in my life through the man of God, Pastor Chris. During the lockdown, I experienced some sensation in my chest. It got really bad and I would cough and begin to feel as if I was inhaling smoke. Then came the day when Pastor Chris prayed specially for the sick, during Your Loveworld. As he spoke forth words of prayer, I instantly received my miracle and began rejoicing, thanking God for my victory. From that day on, there has been no more tightness in my chest, no struggles breathing, and the air feels so perfect. I give God the glory for the many lives that have been preserved and have received permanent victory over the devil.”

Tsitsi from South Africa testifies: “I had some pains in my hands along my fingers especially, while I slept. Each time I woke up, my fingers felt like I had a stroke. My fingers couldn’t bend and I couldn’t do anything with it, but when the man of God, Pastor Chris, prayed for the sick during the live stream of Your Loveworld, I touched my hand and I discovered the pain had gone. Glory to God! I can work perfectly with my hands without any pain.”

55 year-old Gabriela Rus from Romania shared, saying, “I participated in every broadcast of Your Loveworld with my mother and we have been tremendously blessed to have received so much teaching, light and clarity from the Word of God. I’d never really understood the book of Revelations before Pastor Chris enlightened us during Your Loveworld. We have been greatly strengthened in faith and encouraged in the midst of this state of tension, confusion and fear worldwide. By listening to Pastor Chris, I understood how things are in the spiritual, and what our position should be as members of the body of Christ. We are glad we had the opportunity and the privilege to fast and pray with saints around the world. Thank you Pastor Chris. I love you dearly.”
More testimonies keep pouring in to tell of the indelible impact of the Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris in the lives of millions around the world. Praise God!

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  1. Hi,my name is Bro uchenna Jonah from wwc christ embassy church in Aba zone Abia state Nigeria. I am 46 yrs.I wish to use this opportunity to testify of God’s healing power .I have had arthritic pains and ulcer for many years but over the past five years the pains got worse.I had tried many medications without relief. But on Sunday June 7 2020 my story changed. It was the global communion service with pastor Chris that I received my healing.During the ‘there is healing for you segment when pastor Chris prayed and mentioned my case I knew I was healed.Since then, I’m enjoying my life without pains.All thanks to pastor Chris for saying ‘yes’to God and to the imm partners for making the programme available. Glorrrrrrry.

  2. To God be the glory.
    Thank God for your life.

  3. Warm greetings, I’m br.Israel from S.Sudan. I would like to testify of what the Lord has done in my life during the July communion service with Pastor Chris. I wasn’t expecting for healing because I believed that I was Healed from the time I gave my life to Christ in 2017. I could tell myself I’m not sick, and that sickness has no place in me, I did the healing school confessions, rhapody of realities confessions and I refused to be moved by the symptoms.
    While Pastor was ministering and declaring healing against the diseases during the July 2020 communion service, he called out my case saying, someone got healed of haemorrhage.
    And I received that word.
    Knowing that the Lord is confirming what the word has done in my Spirit.
    I would like to tell Pastor Chris thank you for changing lives. And manifesting the love of the Master. Thank you Sir I love you Sir.

  4. Hi my name is Joy Phillip I live in Ontario Canada. During the Friday 28th August 2020 session with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn, I gave a seed just as Pastor Chris instructed for the propagating of the gospel to LoveWorld. Prior to that, I have been having a constant ringing in my right ear for a while now but when Pastor was praying for those that gave, he mentioned my case and the ringing is gone and never to return. Thank you Jesus for my healing and thank you Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny for reminding us on the importance of giving to ensure the gospel keeps moving and also giving us the opportunity to give to a very big God.

  5. Hi
    I just want to use this opportunity to testify, I live in uk,there was a time around sept 2020 ,I had terrible foot pain ,I took holy Communion with the man of God and I was healed . Its 2021 January I am pain free. Thanks pastor chris. I used to be so blind to his teaching during to the type of church I was coming from ,I am so glad the veil has been removed. The lord is using him and the word is working. He interpret the bible like no other . Thanking God to man of God life. From glory to glory.
    Sis Antonia Julius uk

  6. Hi
    I just want to use this opportunity to testify, I live in uk,there was a time around sept 2020 ,I had terrible foot pain ,got prayers from different pastors but was not healed,I took holy Communion in 2020 with the man of God and I was healed . Its 2021 January, I am pain free. Thanks pastor chris. I used to be so blind to his teaching due to the type of church I was coming from ,I am so glad the veil has been removed. The lord is using him and the word is working in my life. He interpret the bible like no other and preaches to my soul. Thanking God for man of God. From glory to glory.

  7. I want to thank the Lord for him mercies and for bringing pastor Chris into my life . Thank you pastor sir for your love .
    It was in the year 2020 I missed my period for 3 months after which it came and I started bleeding heavily without stopping after a week of continuous bleeding I visited the hospital and the doctor said it was hormonal inbalance . Some hormonal pills were prescribed for me which I took . The bleeding reduced and came back after sometime it became so bad I couldn’t sit for two hours without being soaked it continued like this for a month . The September Global commonion service was announced in my local church and I knew it was time for my miracle I went to church expectant as pastor lead us to break bread and drink the cup I knew it was my set time for a miracle I rejoiced in my spirit as I felt instantly that the bleeding stopped I went home with joy in my heart that night I slept well without interuptions of a soaked bed sheet . On Monday I checked and it was gone up till today my period has been regular . I am forever grateful to God and our man of God pastor Chris I love you sir thank you for impacting your world and giving many hope through the gospel I love you sir.

  8. Good marning Pastor sir, My name
    Patient Armieghemen Previously, I used to
    have ulcer, leg pain, high blood pressure and I was partially deaf. I want to give glory to God that ever since Pastor laid his hands on me I recieved an instant healing: The stomach ulcer I had has gone, The leg pain has gone and my hearing has been restored. Glory to God
    Thank You so much sir.
    God bless you sir. I love you sir

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