Our man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has yet again made history organizing the first of its kind three-day World Evangelism Conference which held at the SSE Arena in Wembley, London.
Thousands of Pastors, Ministers and Christian leaders from over 170 different countries came together in fellowship to celebrate the birth of a new evangelical movement at the monumental World Evangelism Conference. The sessions were translated into ten different languages, a testament to the diversity of conference attendees and the global reach of Pastor Chris’s evangelism movement.

The World Evangelism Conference Stirred an Awakening in Global Evangelism
While giving his opening speech, the Prophet of our time, Pastor Chris, proclaimed, “By the time we are done here on Sunday, you will know that we have taken the world!” With so many delegates from around the world attending the program, the conference was a phenomenal milestone for the Loveworld Nation establishing Pastor as a leader among other ministers worldwide.
See Also: Ministers Converge in London to be Equipped for Global Evangelism

Indeed the word of God concerning us in this year of Lights was so evident for all to see as the conference united thousands of diverse Christian leaders from countries as far as North Korea to those from Europe, different parts of the world and brought them all together to celebrate the evangelical movement at this landmark event in London.
The pastors that attended WEC surely are not the same as they return to their countries with a different kind of glory – a new fire was ignited in their spirit to take the world for Jesus.
Uniting Christians Around the World
Evangelism is a Christian movement that goes beyond denominations and unites believers in their desire to win souls for Jesus. Evangelism is characterized by the commitment of believers to reaching the unreached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus – helping believers and non-believers develop or deepen their fellowship with God.

See Also: Teachings on Soul Winning & Intercession Inspire Ministers at WEC 2019
The conference addressed the persecution of Christians around the world, which has increased in recent years. A discussion panel of ministers from Uzbekistan, China, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan, and North Korea spoke about the current state of the gospel and highlighted the various gospel opportunities that are available for evangelism in their nations.
Pastor Chris gave hope to those who have experienced persecution in their home nations saying, “A report came out recently, that the most persecuted group in the world are Christians. The Lord promised us, persecution. Did you know that? And persecution is good. It never destroys us and always strengthens us.”

The Impact of Pastor Chris’s Ministry and Leadership
Through the ministry of Pastor Chris, a driving force behind the worldwide evangelical movement. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome President of the LoveWorld Inc, has built an international network of churches, connected millions of Christians through technology and helped to spread the Word of God to all the people of the world.
Pastor Chris’s daily devotional, The Rhapsody of Realities, has been translated into over one thousand languages and still counting, it is being distributed to people monthly all over the world. LoveWorldInc. operates several 24/7 internationally broadcast Christian television stations broadcast from, USA, UK, South Africa, and Nigeria, that provides millions with Christian programming, entertainment, and news.
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During the conference, Pastor Chris spoke of his dream as a teenager to host a world evangelism event that would unite diverse people who share the same singular purpose – a passion for sharing God’s Word with others.
“The Supernatural” encapsulates The World Evangelism Conference
It’s beyond words, the experience and impact of World Evangelism Conference for everyone that attended having been fed with the Word by prominent evangelical ministers such as Highly Esteemed Pastors Benny Hinn, Dr. Morris Cerullo, Pastor Kelepi Veikoso of Christ Embassy Pacific and Australia, Pastor Armando Osorio of Nicaragua, and Evangelist David Hathaway of the United Kingdom.
Ministering at the session, Pastor Benny Hinn, admonished ministers to yield themselves completely to God like the Master (Jesus) did at Gethsemane. “The minute Jesus is seen in your life, He will be glorified and that is when the Holy Spirit begins His work.”
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The entire congregation was enthusiastic when 87-year-old world evangelist and renowned minister of the gospel, Dr. Morris Cerullo, took the stage to address the ministers present. Dr. Cerullo testified that in his entire ministry spanning more than 60 years, he had never been at another ministry’s conference for 3 days. “I would have traveled the 10,000 miles (from San Diego) just to hear Pastor Chris speak last night,” Dr. Morris Cerullo. This, he expounded upon, sharing with Pastor Chris and the congregation present that he came because of a ministration from the Lord to him about a month ago, at which point he called the LoveWorld Inc President forward to deliver the Lord’s message. “I have ordained him to bring a spirit of unity to the ministry that I have raised-up for these last days! He will be an instrument to unite the body of Christ,” Dr. Cerullo said, on behalf of the God and Father of the whole family of Christ’s body on earth and in Heaven.
These words resounded in the spirits of everyone present, causing many to cry tears of gratitude to God for the opportunity to witness such an occasion and also for the Lord’s gracious providence.

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Pastor Chris by the Spirit, while teaching at the World Evangelism Conference asked, “What is changing the world? Knowledge! That’s what’s changing the world. And that’s what will change ours!!!!” The energy, excitement, and fire he ignited in the hearts of the ministers will undoubtedly impact their lives and their ministry forever.
After appreciating the congregation for traveling great distances to attend the first-ever World Evangelism Conference, Pastor Chris closed the event by saying, “We are going to change this world. We were born ready! We will do great things”
For sure this conference has marked a spiritual revolution that time will unveil to the rest of the world.
Wow. Simply glorious and amazing. May the LORD God Almighty be glorified forever. God bless. Our capacity is increased to do more for the Kingdom. Amen.